When your packages are in transit, they will be handled multiple times, go on automated belts (if they’re boxed) and need to be packaged appropriately. They may also have other packages put on top of them so your packaging needs to be strong enough to withstand transportation and handling at the depots.

If your packaging is insufficient, you risk your package being damaged in transit and you will not be able to claim compensation. Sellar can help you to ensure your packaging is secure and fit for purpose.


440ml Cans

330ml Cans

Glass bottles

Plastic kegs

Steel kegs/casks


24 x 440ml cases of cans

With the recommended packaging your cans are unlikely to be damaged in transit and if they are, we have a very high chance of a successful damage claim on your behalf. Your customers will receive the cans in the same condition you dispatch them.

Recommended ⭐️